Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blog #8

Rhythmic cinema - Woodrow Wilson "Like writing history with lightening" what woodrow was refering to was the recruitment video he saw for the KKKlan and how dangerous/shocking/ and elightening it was.  Miller makes a link in where Griffith, the film maker of the kkk recruitment video and many others were making their own creative way in the narrative aspect of their time.  Just like how he is as a fj in the hip hop community of our time.

Rhythmic space - "from math to code to culture, contemporary art has shifted as well"  he basically compares this to Linux on how we give everyone the source code to create what they want and mix it themselves. our world is so infused digitality that different cultures and styles, bits and codes, converge all together, it all flows

Errata erratum - "The click of a mouse, the roll of a pair of dice, they both have a kind of intentionality  behind them"  he mentions that djing is like this, directly rational and also slightly random.  Which makes sense, you never know what your going to get when your digging in the crates =)

The future is here - "All were kind of like fonts, something used for a moment to highlight a certain mode of expression, and ofcourse, utterly pliable."  the future is always changing and what you did for something earlier, you find a different and better way to do somthing for another task later.  the future is happening rapidly and is already here

the prostitute - "Always try to create new worlds, new scenarios, at almost every moment of thought"  we are no longer bound by one fate, one destiny, one outcome, we have total freedom and the more we create different worlds/ scenarios, you can never play the same way for the same crowd. thats how why we remix, thats why we collaborate. thats why we are moving forward

I chose the song "SWV love will be right here" and it sampled from michael jackson - human nature.  I love this song, and i love human nature, so this song "love will be right here" with a tyt beat. is perfect.  i can listen to this anytime, even at a party.  I new that it was a sample cuz me and my friends would always try to see who would get the sample and the song from playing only 5 seconds of a track when we were young.  Back in the day when napster was a baby.  Just like miller says you can never play the same way for the same crowd.  Human nature had a whole different vibe to it, michael jackson had a different "message" to put out.  but with the same beat, swv got a different message out about love and it got people like me to love it.  And it might of even got people who loved human nature to love this song as well, who knows, but i can see how the sampling aspect of it created something new from the old. it really is where we should focus on as a society and community, the more we share, create, the better


  1. Decent job w/ the quotes. The connection to the song could've been a bit tighter, but overall a good job. Thanks.

  2. I really like what you said in the The Prostitute section. "We are no longer bound by one fate" is a really powerful statement and really struck a cord with me. It's true, like you said, we have total freedom to create and remixing and collaborating are just creating at another level.
