Sunday, May 1, 2011

blog #11

     Commercial economy – an economy in which money or “price” is a central term of the ordinary, or normal, exchange. Like a local record store for example, or buying a dvd at walmart for a certain price.  For example, Lessig talks about how you don't argue about walmarts price for a juice thats 2$ and something cents.  You just pay for it because that is what walmart believes is the right price for that particular product.
      Sharing Economy – where access to culture is regulated not by price, but by a complex set of social relations.  These social relations are not simple. Insulted by the simplicity of price.  Josh's example of sharing his dvds for free, and everyone reading Lessigs book.  Basically when Lessig was on the plane and asked to rent a illegally downloaded dvd for 5 dollars, Josh got mad.  He said that he would let him watch it for free.  He doesn't collect movies to make money off of it.  So basically this is a great example of sharing economy.  Like me giving a friend a ride if he or she buys me lunch. 

      Where commercial is all about the term "price"  sharing is anything but "price."  I think Lessig mentioned both these economies so he can talk about how websites have taken sharing economy to a whole new level.  Not only are you sharing information with everyone with access to the internet, but you are learning also from other people.  Take wikipedia for example.  I know this example is used a lot but wikipedia is a great example of how a sharing economy works.  Lessig wanted us to understand both economies so we can better understand hybrid economies like netflix and youtube who use both but don't let one overpower the other to much to take away from the sharing economy.  For example youtube is free for everyone to share videos and comment, the more the better, but now ads are being used.  But they are sure to keep advertisement as minimal as possible so the experience from the users are not hindered.

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